As announced earlier this morning by the Chief Public Health Office, PEI will move out of the COVID-19 red alert level effective midnight March 4th, 2021.
Community Connections Inc. Day Programming will resume Thursday March 4th, 2021 at 8 a.m.
We continue to ask that all visitors to Community Connections Inc. please ensure they follow the guidelines.
- Masks are mandatory in all enclosed public spaces.
- Please use hand sanitizer prior to entering the premises.
- Please do not proceed out of the main Administration area until you have signed in with a staff member.
- Do not visit if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 (reschedule).
- Limit your contacts while onsite.
- Physical distance – staying at least two (2) meters, or six (6) feet apart, whenever possible.
- Visitor restrictions – no visits from the public/ business only.
Thank you